Hey Hello from Bali!!

Literally what in front of me right now! catching up with my fave Indonesian snacks :p

So yeahs, here comes a time when I finally need to COME HOME after 1 year life of adventure. So relieved and happy. My Working Holiday Visa is expired at the end of September (this month!), it’s still 3 more weeks from today but I am already here, breathing Ubud Bali’s air. Yep, I am doing a premature coming home.

*Please play this soundtrack : Home – Michael Buble*

I could not wait to come home. Not because I felt homesick nor sick of Australia. Nah, It’s because I felt fulfilled already. I’ve got what wanted, experienced what I used to curious about, saved enough money to cover future trips and living cost. I’d say I met all the objective that put me here in the first place. What else I need to wait for? So, I decided that I am done with my career break – I’m done with this chapter. It’s time to move on.

Chilling at Coogee Beach Park – Taken on my last day in Sydney

I got so many whys from dear fellows : why don’t you stay longer in Australia? or why do you need to comeback to Indonesia? Are you sure you wanna go back to your country? but why??

Well, love. I have a life to pursue. An ideal life to my standard, not to other people standard. I like Australia – who doesn’t? The thing is, I have met my objective and so far nothing worth enough to keep me there – to my standard. I know, I know – earning tempting amount of dollar can be a legit reason. But I don’t want to be just a money machine. I don’t want to make more than 1 year portfolio in my life spent in Australia for chasing money without making any life achievement. Well, I can not be hypocrite that money is important, but just not like that.

To make it short and understandable, if I got a chance to work in advertising agency or any office that related to my background, I certainly will stay. Or, if I got a chance to continue my study that related to my field in TOP universities in Australia, I certainly will stay too. But apparently the condition doesn’t up that way.

Moving on, so.. what have I got during the past 1 year?


  • I have been to 6 out of 8 states in Australia, and have lived in 2 of them – Western Australia, Northern Territory, NSW, ACT, Victoria, and Tasmania
  • Experienced to live a vibrant life at the biggest city in Australia (Sydney) and the quiet life of countryside (Northcliffe)
  • Have stayed in 3 different shared houses. Ones with Australian flatmates, and the other one with girls from all over the world (Vietnam, Nepal, Taiwan, Colombia, Italy, Brazil, India, Czech and me, Indonesia – can you imagine how’s the house like? HAHA!)
  • Made tons of new friends from all over the world! I think this fact the one I love the most!
  • Have worked as a cleaner, waitress, kitchen hand, housekeeper, dishwasher, and last but not least, farmer! There’s one job I really wanted to do but never got a chance to – ice cream seller on the beach!!
  • Went to concert for the first time – it was Sam Smith’s
  • Watched the shooting star for the first time!
  • Random late night hang out in the bush while stargazing, talking about life and future, dancing over salsa song
  • Crashed someone’s birthday party! Literally I didn’t know who was having the birthday and who was the owner of the shed. But it was fun – loads of people – games – and campfire in a bloody cold night.
  • Walked back home in a pitch black surrounding cuz my friend just lost the car key, it was 3 am by the way. We were not afraid of ghost , we were afraid of snakes – seriously!
  • Walked in the bush on my own!
  • Babysit a baby Kangaroo!
  • Visited a cute pig farm – oink oink!
  • Did a weekend getaway with random unknown people from Facebook!
  • Did that amazing road trip to north of WA with amazing people! I will always remember that out of gas situation lol!
  • First time playing sandboarding
  • Visited PINK lake! gosh!
  • First time to vineyard
  • Witnessed the massive and enchanting NYE fireworks in Sydney Harbour!
  • Went to vivid Sydney – which apparently not that impressive!
  • Did that winter getaway to snowy mountain
  • First time enjoying snow fall!
  • Traveled to my long – awaited dream slash ultimate destination slash New Zealand.
  • Checked jet boating out of my bucket list
  • Checked SKYDIVING out of my bucket list
  • Visited glow worm cave tho I missed the black water rafting 🙁
  • Did the volunteer work
  • Attended brand marketing course in Uni of Sydney
  • First time harvesting potato – gee it was a hard job!

There were more for sure, but that is the list that comes up in my head now
Can you imagine all of them happened within 1 year?

At the moment I will have few days holiday in Bali – before going back to Jakarta and facing the real life. Uh oh, wait…

Did I tell you that I will reward my self a 3 weeks trip to Europe on October? Yep that is what I’m preparing currently As a closing to my 1 year break and a good redemption after months of hard work in Australia. Super excited!

So yeah, in the next few weeks I will be busy making itinerary and processing my Schengen Visa. Meanwhile I also will start my job hunting.

The last part sounds daunting – I know. But this is my new chapter anyway – gotta get my shit together and face the real life!!

So long Australia – life with you has been awesome!
Cheers Mate! 😀 thumb_IMG_4609_1024